Alphabet | 2000- present
Just at the end of the first five years of the new millennium, and for a few more years, Gini gets to the root of the expressive problem of writing, confronting the origin of the incurable schism between the iconic and symbolic representation of the word.
What’s more: the written and spoken word is broken down into its minimal insignificant components, phonemes and graphemes, codifying them with the abstract representations at the basis of the infinite ars combinatoria of language: the letters of the alphabet.
What interests him is not the letter/character as such, but its value as a potential trigger of a plurality of considerations: this is how the different theories of alphabets are born, specious generators of organic reflections on the most disparate themes.
Different in shapes, sizes and colors, the alphabets – Alphabet of letters, Alphabet of Colors, Alphabet of shapes – rise to the role of exceptional inspiration for his verbal-visual research.
Ideas spring up that call the triangle into question as in a short circuit – signifier/signified/referent end up semantic, since they are the three vertices of an almost philosophically trinitarian vision
A number of pieces from this period is still available to purchase directly from the artist.
The possibility of commissioning work is also available. Please enquire within to discuss your preferences and needs.